Making Sure Household Help Receive a Proper Education
Filipina domestic helpers protesting Hong Kong's wage cuts in 2003

As we start off this new year, we at Philippine NewsLink want to highlight an issue that we feel deserves the attention of the Philippine government. The issue is the education of the tens of thousands of young school-aged boys and girls employed as domestic helpers throughout the Philippines. We believe that specific legislation is needed to require their employers to make sure that these youth receive a proper education.

A well-educated populace we believe is the best way out of our current social and economic predicament. As the global community rapidly moves into the information age, it is more important than ever. The Philippines can no longer afford to stand still and bequeath to its children and grandchildren nothing better than a life of menial labor and servitude in the rich countries of the world.

A learned, well educated society will elect leaders that can truly lead our country; their electoral choices based more on careful analysis and sound judgment, than on emotion and celebrity status. A learned, well educated society will refuse to tolerate the bribery and corruption so widespread in our society. A learned, well educated society will have the discipline and the ethics to consider first and foremost, what is best for the country, unlike the "me first" mentality we have today.

This could all be wishful thinking, and nothing more than a pipe dream if not for the fact that we Filipinos living abroad have the numbers, the resources, and the clout to bring this issue to the fore. We want to see legislation passed requiring school-age houseboys, housegirls, maids, yayas, drivers, gardeners and lavanderas, and anyone else employed as household help, to attend school everyday of the school year.

We want to get everyone involved in this issue. and we'll keep you updated through this website to let you know how we're doing. Published 2004