Telecommunications towers. Photo:

ilipinos will not just be shooting themselves in the foot if they go through with the plan to allow Dito Telecommunity—a company backed by Communist China—to construct communications towers inside Philippine military camps; they will be blowing their brains out as well. At this point, after the 2012 standoff in Pagasa Shoal, where China illegally occupied the area by force and deception, how can the Philippine government still contemplate doing business with it, much less opening up its entire military communications network to possible Chinese spying and sabotage.
If this administration is so naive as to green-light this project, they will be giving the Chinese spies access to Philippine military planning and communication into the foreseeable future. No secure transmission will be out of reach for Beijing's army of cyber espionage trolls. The Chinese will always be one step ahead of our military planners should this project be realized.
Whether this project pushes through or not, it will speak volumes about how much control Beijing has on our current government officials. If the administration allows this project to go forward, Filipinos can safely assume that their government officials are in cahoots with the communists from Beijing. That is the only plausible explanation one can arrive at. Why else would our government open up its military communications infrastructure to a foreign government—especially one that illegally occupies many of our islands in the West Philippine Sea, and claims ownership to vast sections of our continental shelf?
Actions speak louder than words. If Philippine government officials are looking after the interests of their country, they will not allow a Chinese-backed company like Dito to undertake this project. So, if this project pushes through, then it will be apparent to all that our officials are working for China. Published 9/11/2020