Candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Images: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Composite: Mark Kelly –

il-Ams get to vote on November 3rd. As citizens of the United States, they and over a hundred million other eligible voters will choose who will lead them for the next four years. Voter turnout is expected to surpass that of previous elections. So far, more than half of likely voters appear to have already voted in person or sent in their absentee ballots.
American mainstream media pundits portray the upcoming election as enormously important. President Donald Trump's first term has shaken America to its core. His defied orthodoxy reached out to authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung Un. At the same time, he has strained relations with America's traditional allies across the globe.
Trump's "America first" philosophy and his "make America great again" campaign slogan have resonated with American society's disenchanted sectors. Unfortunately, the country's supporters and allies worldwide no longer look up to America the way they once did. It has ceased to be that "shining city on a hill." There are also increasing numbers of people who wonder how long the U.S. can remain the leader of the free world.
In reality, America's decline started long before Trump. But it appears to have significantly accelerated since he took office. However, Joe Biden seems to offer voters an alternative to Trump. He has the experience and the expertise to make America the great country it once was. Biden promises to reach across the aisle and work with Republicans. He will listen to the medical and scientific experts to bring the coronavirus under control. Biden wants to unite Americans, not further divide them.
Sadly, some Filipino-Americans will vote for Trump only because they want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Their deeply Catholic upbringing allows them to look past all of Trump's shortcomings as long as he can continue to "stack" the courts to overturn that 1973 landmark decision.
On November 3rd, Americans vote. The majority of Filipino-Americans may vote for Biden, but it is equally possible that they vote for Trump. Once all the tallies are in, we hope to sift through the data and determine how our kabayans voted. In the meantime, if you're registered to vote in this election and still haven't, go out and vote! You'll be glad you did. Published 11/01/2020