ilipinos need to choose their leaders wisely. Say what you will about the country's former colonial powers, but the Philippines was way ahead of its neighbors under both Spain and the United States. Ever since Filipinos took control over their own destiny in 1946, the country has seen a steady decline in its leadership role in Asia. Neighboring countries that were far less developed than we were sixty or seventy years ago have now surged past us.
We can point to factors that might have contributed to our present predicament, but the indisputable fact is that these failures happened under our watch. The Philippines was way ahead of neighboring countries like Taiwan (known then as Formosa), South Korea, and Singapore. Sadly, given our current rate of decline, our country could end up as one of the poorest and least developed in Southeast Asia.
One way to arrest this decline and possibly even reverse it is to choose our next president wisely. Admittedly, there is only so much one person can do, but choosing a smart and effective chief executive who can point the country in the right direction, can do wonders for this nation.
In our view, only three presidents stand out as qualified to have held office in the preceding six decades. These were Presidents Ramon Magsaysay, Fidel Ramos, and Benigno Aquino III. All the rest fell short, squandering opportunities at best, and at worst, handicapping Filipinos for decades into the future.
2022 is just around the corner. It is time we chose a president who is wise, articulate, and educated. We need a president who can lead us forward towards a brighter future. This country cannot afford to waste any more time. We have already squandered much of the lead we once enjoyed. Our neighbors will continue to move ahead. We can either keep up, fall further behind, or maybe—just maybe; this country can begin to lead again. Published 3/26/2021